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  • Age: 2015 Region:英国 Type:欧美综艺
  • Status: 已完结 / 12-19
  • lead:Jacques,Peretti
  • director:Mile,Radford
  • desc:  Never before has money been so polarised in Britain. The richest 85 people now own more than half the UK population. The rise of the Super Rich has meant that wealth in the UK is dividing our society at an extraordinary rate - but how and why did it happen? In this two-part series, Jacques Peretti explores how the Super Rich are transforming the very fabric of British society. Why have the Super Rich flocked to Britain, and why does it matter to us? Peretti examines how the wealth of the top one percent of society does not exist in a bubble, but directly affects all of our lives. video detail >
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Plot introduction

  Never before has money been so polarised in Britain. The richest 85 people now own more than half the UK population. The rise of the Super Rich has meant that wealth in the UK is dividing our society at an extraordinary rate - but how and why did it happen? In this two-part series, Jacques Peretti explores how the Super Rich are transforming the very fabric of British society. Why have the Super Rich flocked to Britain, and why does it matter to us? Peretti examines how the wealth of the top one percent of society does not exist in a bubble, but directly affects all of our lives.   expand all

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